![]() We had a ton of extra tomatoes this week so we got to put some of favorite recipes to work including Fresh Tomato Bruschetta, Gazpacho and Ratatoullie. Keep reading for a new take on a pasta salad with pesto and summer veggies. Did you know that tomatoes are actually a fruit? It’s true! Tomatoes are the edible fruits/berries on the tomato plants. Although tomatoes originated in the South American Andes Mountain region, they have spread throughout the world. We now consume them in a variety of dishes, sauces, salads and drinks.
Preperation IdeasTomatoes are quite versatile in the kitchen and can be prepared several ways. Fresh sliced raw tomatoes are great with oil, vinegar and fresh herbs like oregano, basil or dill. Roasted tomatoes also make an easy meal. Coat roughly chopped tomatoes in olive oil and spices and place on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast in a 425°F oven until slightly shriveled and blackened (about 18- 20 minutes). Serve on top of whole wheat pasta with grated Parmesan cheese. Warm Pasta "Salad" with Pesto and Roasted Summer VeggiesThis recipe combines your pasta dish and your salad all in one and is chocked full of veggies. Pretty much all of the ingredients for this dish can be found in the FreshFix webstore during summer. You can even get basil and garlic and make your own pesto. Veggies can be cooked in the oven, on a grill or in a sautee pan.
![]() When I was a kid I remember my dad doing the cabbage soup diet. For over a week, we ate cabbage soup! I checked online and the diet still exists. While its healthier than some fad diets, this is definitely not an endorsement. On its own cabbage soup is great, but too much of a good thing usually equals a bad thing. I wonder how this early association has colored my view of cabbage. It tends to sit in the back of my fridge forgotten until I run our of everything else or start to worry it will go bad. But then I cook it and I am always amazed by how good it is. I am reminded that I need to eat more cabbage, but I inevitably forget about it until I get another head in my veggie box. All this speaks to the point that cabbage is highly underrated. I’m sure some of you (like me) have a head hanging out in the back of your fridge. Time to take it out and get chopping! Storage and Preparation Cabbage will last for several weeks in the crisper; and even longer if you store it in plastic bag. Before using, remove any wilted outer leaves and wash thoroughly. Slice the cabbage in half and remove the large white core. Once the core is removed, slice into strips for shredded cabbage or prepare as directed Ideas for Enjoying Cabbage
![]() Eggplant is a summer vegetable that is prized for its deep purple color, glossy skin, unique taste, and spongy texture. Like other vegetables in the nightshade family, eggplant is a great source of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity. StoragePlace uncut and unwashed eggplant in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator crisper, where it will keep for at least a week. Eggplant that has been washed, cut, and boiled for approximately 4 minutes can be frozen for later use PreparationEggplant is an incredibly versatile ingredient: it can be steamed, grilled, roasted, baked, or sautéed. Here are just a few ways to enjoy eggplant.
If you can't handle the heat ...try a Poblano!Poblano peppers are Mexico's (and Buffalo's) favorite chile pepper! When traditionally ripened to red and dried, this pepper is known as an 'Ancho'. Poblanos are great roasted, like bell peppers, or stuffed. Our recipes below will demonstrate the various ways you can use this awesome summer veggie! About the Farm W.D. Henry and Sons is a farm in Eden, NY about a half-hour outside of Buffalo, NY. They have been in business over 125 years and is now operating under the management of the family's fourth and fifth generations, Mark and Dan Henry. "We pride ourselves on quality, integrity and maintaining up-to-date production and food safety practices." They have received multiple awards, including the New York State Century Farm Award and the New York State Farm Family Award. One of their goals are to help future generations understand the importance of agricultural and environmental responsibility by implementing various sustainable agricultural practices as outlined on their website. Storage Poblano peppers last the longest in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. They will keep their flavor and spice for about one week. To increase the life of the peppers, place them in a brown paper bag before keeping in the refrigerator. Preparation The poblano pepper is not considered to be hot or spicy, so you do not need to be careful when cutting. Simply slice off the top and around the seed core. If you are stuffing, slice them in half and remove the white insides and seeds. If you are roasting over a flame, you do not need to cut anything off. New to the roasting technique? Here's a tutorial! Nutrition Poblanos offer nutritional benefits on top of adding flavor and spice without added calories. A double whammy! One poblano pepper offers 50 calories, about a gram of fat, and 2 grams of protein. Poblanos offer 11% of your daily potassium need, 70% vitamin A, and 30% vitamin B-6. Recipes Vegan Stuffed Poblano Peppers - Minimalist Baker Zucchini Pico de Gallo Salsa (with Poblanos) - Taste of Home Vegetarian Stuffed Poblano Peppers - Moosewood Cheese and Chile Quiche - Epicurious Vegetarian Portabello and Poblano Fajitas - Cookie and Kate Smoky Honey Peach-Roasted Poblano Salsa - Better Homes & Gardens Southwest Stuffed Poblano Peppers - Creme de la Crumb How do you prepare your poblanos? Leave us a comment below!
August 2021